This instructor-led course is offered as
in-person and webinar formats.
3. Trenchless Underground
Construction Site Walk-Through:
This 30-minute video, shot on an
Innovative Pipeline Crossings (IPC)
shaft launch site in Calgary, Alta.,
augments the online and classroom
training. It introduces specific types of
equipment and site activities related
to trenchless under-ground construction.
The focus is on how to assess
the work site, the equipment, and the
operational conditions for hazards and
their controls. In recognition that not
all municipalities will have the ability
to provide a work site with these
operations, this video can be used by
any participants to practice or refresh
their learning.
IPC joined Stantec as a subject matter
expert in the development of this
program, sharing that they were excited
to be part of this project.
“At IPC, safety is at our core. Our
safety culture is based on the belief
that physical, psychological and social
wellbeing are a priority that extends
to our clients, our community and
our environmental responsibility.
Education and training are how we
deliver on our safety promise.”
“It’s always in our
best interests to
be sharing safety
experience and
information to
help ensure that
our workers are
going home to
their families
at the end of
each day.”
– Kim Davis, AMHSA instructor
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