B A R R I C A D E S A N D S I G N S – T I T L E S P O N S O R
“It’s 100 per cent
a family culture.
It’s unique in that
anyone can speak
openly about any
and all matters.
We value
opinions from
all employees
and try to
make decisions
based on what
others think.”
– Norden Sieg, VP of Sales
“Management looks for open-minded
people who are willing to work
and are co-operative,” said Madlung.
“Everybody is equal on all levels
because every job is as important as any
other. You feel good about your work,
and that makes you more productive.”
When asked what he sees as the
company’s most important value,
Madlung doesn’t hesitate.
“Improving people’s lives. When
people feel better about themselves,
they develop strong work ethics,” he
said. “Some companies you go into,
there’s an atmosphere of fear, but here
you can suggest things. They actually
care about how you feel working here.”
Every day on the job, Branden Leduc,
production manager at Barricades and
Signs sees that strong work ethic in
“I’ve worked here on and off since
2009–10 during summers through high
school and university. After graduating
in 2020, I came on full time. In my position,
I take care of sign manufacturing,
barricades and all our wood products,”
said Leduc. “Whenever we have a big
or a rush job – which isn’t really the
exception – people are very flexible and
willing to put in the overtime. We turn
on the music, bring in some food and
22 www.albertaheavy.ca