B A R R I C A D E S A N D S I G N S – T I T L E S P O N S O R
Committed to service, trusted to deliver
“Committed to service, trusted to deliver” – this is
the tagline for Barricades and Signs Ltd., a Western
Canadian company specializing in roadside safety and
traffic control. For this highly respected and successful business,
these words apply to much more than products and
customer satisfaction.
Commitment and trust are the foundation and framework
of the company culture, the shared goals and attitudes that
truly define success for products, customers and the employees
who make it all happen.
“I’ve been with Barricades and Signs for 17 years, right
from day one, basically doing whatever needs to be done,”
said Herb Madlung, traffic manager. “Then 10 years ago, I
chose to go into traffic. Because of the high profile nature of
the department, dealing with traffic and the public, I wanted
to know things were being done right.”
With unwavering commitment, Madlung took certification
courses, learning as he went to make sure every device
is in good working order, every sign is positioned precisely,
and that traffic technicians are trained and understand the
importance of their work for the safety of both customers
and the public.
“Many things seem like common sense to me, but I’ve
seen a lot of scary stuff happening out there,” he said.
It’s this attitude of caring about the job, of wanting to do
your best for not only the company, but for yourself, your
family and the community that is encouraged at every level
at Barricades and Signs.
By Deb Draper
Photos: Barricades and Signs
ALBERTA HEAVY Quarter 2 2021 21