Standards Code (the ESC) and the Labour
Relations Code (the LRC). A number of
these changes mark a return to the pre-
2017 versions of these laws.
Changes to the employment
standards code
Student Youth Minimum Wage
(effective June 26, 2019): Executed
by an Order in Council, minimum wage
for student employees under age 18 will
be reduced to $13 an hour from $15 an
hour. While the UCP government did
not rescind the $15 minimum wage
rate, it introduced a new $13 an hour
minimum wage rate that will apply to
students between the ages of 13 and
17 working 28 hours per week or less
when school is in session. The new rate
applies to the first 28 hours worked in
a week by a student when school is in
session. For all hours worked beyond
28 in a week, the $15 wage still applies.
During school breaks or summer holidays,
the $13 wage will apply to all
hours worked by students under 18.
In accordance with the Employment
Standards Code, Sec. 13, employers
have the option to reduce the minimum
• Site Service Professionals
• Servicing and Upgrades
• Water, Sanitary, Storm
& Deep Sewer Installation
• Storm Water Management
& Lift Stations
• Bridgeworks and Earthworks
and legislation underlie most aspects
of human resources management, it
is essential that human resource professionals
are well versed and knowledgeable
in these areas and in the
application of employment standards
legislation. Successful HR professionals
stay up to date on current laws
and changes in legislation to policies
to ensure their organizations are current
and legally compliant. By staying
informed with changing provincial
and territorial employment laws and
legislation, HR professionals are an
essential resource for organizations
to mitigate the potential for employment
related risks. To keep you
updated, here is a look at the changing
landscape in Alberta employment
standards legislation.
On May 27, 2019, Bill 2: An Act
to Make Alberta Open for Business
was introduced into the Alberta legislature
proposing four key changes.
The bill has passed second reading but
still requires Royal Assent to be enacted.
Bill 2 includes reforms to two of
the most important workplace-related
laws in Alberta: the Alberta Employment
Phone: 780-458-6752 • Fax: 780-458-6357 •
wage paid to students under 18 after
June 26 by providing one pay period
of notice.
Note: The $15/hour minimum wage
remains for students and others over 18
and plus those under 18 not enrolled
in school.
General Holiday Pay: Eligibility
and Normal/Irregular Workday
(effective Sept. 1, 2019): Under current
legislation, an employee is entitled
to general holiday pay immediately
upon employment. Under Bill 2,
employees who have worked for the
same employer for 30 workdays or
more in the 12 months preceding the
general holiday will be entitled to general
holiday pay. Employees would not
be eligible for holiday pay if they are
absent from work the day before, or the
first day after, a holiday. The distinction
between regular and non-regular
workdays for holiday pay would be
restored. According to the Government
of Alberta website, this means:
•• If a holiday falls on a day that is
normally a workday for the employee
and they worked on the holiday, there
are two options for paying employees
holiday pay:
•• The employee would get 1.5 times
their regular wage for hours
worked and average daily wage, or
•• The employee would get their
regular wage rate for hours
worked and average daily wage,
with one day off work (which
would normally be a workday).
•• If a holiday falls on a day that is
normally a workday for the employee
and the employee did not work on the
holiday, they would be entitled to their
average daily wage.
•• If a holiday falls on a day that is not
normally a workday for the employee
and they work on the holiday, they
would be entitled to 1.5 times their
regular wage rate for hours worked.
•• If the holiday falls on a day that is not
normally a workday for the employee
and the employee did not work on the
holiday, they would not be entitled to
general holiday pay.” 2
Overtime Banking (effective
Sept. 1, 2019): Bill 2 will provide
employers and employees with the
option to return to a straight-time
banked hour arrangement, meaning