We’re going virtual:
ARHCA municipal
partnering sessions 2021
Alberta Roadbuilders & Heavy
Construction Association
The COVID-19 pandemic means many organizations are moving events online to
continue providing chances to learn, network and share ideas. The ARHCA is no
different. Instead of cancelling our Calgary and Edmonton municipal events, we’re
still holding them, but they’re going to look a little different. Both events will bring
municipal and industry partners together to share information on capital program
budgets, upcoming projects, emerging trends and challenges.
• City of Calgary’s 21st Partnering with Industry Symposium: Scheduled for
January 2021, exact date to be announced shortly
• City of Edmonton’s Transportation Works: Save the date for January 19th
The ARHCA values the partnerships and collaborative efforts with our local
governments to build the essential transportation infrastructure that Albertans count
on every day. We will have confirmed dates, details and registration information in
the coming months.