Our policy commitments echo the work of the
Alberta Roadbuilders & Heavy Construction
Association (ARHCA), who are driving
policy discussions that focus on better asset
management and long-term infrastructure
planning that’s transparent and apolitical.
roads, many of Alberta’s communities will not be able to
access markets, grow companies and create jobs. Our mem-bers
do not want to see the economic opportunities ahead
reserved only for those communities which have already
benefitted from significant investment in road infrastructure.
If we are to ensure a strong economy across the entire
province, more must be done to ensure equity across the
province in our transportation network and provide com-panies
with certainty that they can continue to operate in
smaller urban centres and rural communities. At the same
time, economic challenges and lower tax revenues mean
we must look at different approaches to build the roads of
the future.
For these reasons, the ACC has adopted policy priorities
to develop more streamlined Transportation Utility Corridors
and expand the use of alternative infrastructure financing
models such as public-private partnerships.
Last year, the ARHCA convened an Advisory Panel of
infrastructure experts to develop a suite of recommendations
to modernize Alberta’s transportation governance and
accountability to drive improved outcomes for our investment
in public roads.
The panel has recommended the government adopt the
industry standard of investing a minimum of one to two per
cent of asset value for annual maintenance. The represents
a commitment of between $700 million and $1.4 billion for
proper upkeep and preservation – double current funding
levels. The panel also noted that the current inconsistent
approach for approving road projects needs to be improved.
Other jurisdictions have created arms-length agencies with
the responsibility for deciding which projects should pro-ceed
under a transparent decision-making process.
We agree wholeheartedly. Diversification and long-term
economic recovery rely on the integrity of the roads
connecting Alberta’s businesses and local economies.
Improving and maintaining Alberta’s roadways keeps
Albertans safe. Dedicated funding for long-term maintenance
creates the jobs Alberta’s economy needs. Improving the
capital planning process for transportation infrastructure
offers businesses the predictability they need to prosper.
Bringing more transparency to the system ensures the
interests of Alberta businesses and their customers
are protected.
The ACC supports these positions taken by the ARHCA
and recognizes them as cost-effective policies that can drive
innovation, value and job creation. More importantly, they
are a key step in Alberta’s transition into a more diversified,
post-COVID economy. n
20 www.albertaheavy.ca