C E O ’ S M E S S A G E
By Ron Glen, CEO, ARHCA
Some Positive Change,
For a Change
On April 16, 2019, Albertans elected a majority government
that promised a great deal of change to
legislation and tax policy. ARHCA congratulates
Premier Jason Kenney and his Caucus of MLAs in their success
at the polls. And we are optimistic that these and other
changes to the tone at the top will inspire Albertan’s entrepreneurial
spirit to meet the challenges we face. This kind of
positive change we enthusiastically welcome.
Any description of the changes Alberta witnessed over the
last four years would fail to adequately capture the scope and
depth of impacts on our industry and business in general.
Business must adapt to economic cycles and market forces
and absorb those risks. But it was a bit much for government
to ask businesses to implement a raft of social policy changes
during a recession prolonged by the inability of government
to remove the barriers to pipeline expansion they themselves
had created.
ARHCA advocated during the election for better planning,
increased attention to the dangerous fiscal problem looming
by under-investment in highway rehabilitation and for
more predictable funding levels that would allow contractors
to make more accurate risk calculations for their business
opportunities in public road construction. Our Driving
Improvement Campaign got us noticed by the now governing
party and we have succeeded in getting our issues on
the table.
We are encouraged by signals from the new government
that, at the very least, they are interested in the perspectives
of contractors and their expertise and that Alberta
Transportation will be permitted to communicate openly
with us and rebuild the positive working relationship we
once enjoyed with AT.
The ARHCA Board of Directors is taking change at the
association seriously too. Through lively discussions, the
Board is developing a modern Strategic Plan that will drive
the changes we need to make to make ARHCA a thriving
member-driven organization relevant for the times and a
force to be reckoned with for the next decade. You will soon
be seeing evidence of all the change in the back office, with
a new website and interactive membership platform. New
communications and revamped events will provide opportunities
for members to strengthen our industry by forming
bonds of community.
We’re excited for the next few years because, although
it will be as active as the last, we feel the corner has been
turned in our province and in our association, and the changes
coming will be positive for a change. n