The Road Safety
Reducing organizational collisions through
the creation of a safe driving culture
By Dr. Randy Flemmer Most organizations aspire to create a culture in
which employees take pride in the fact that they
drive safely and naturally make safe driving habits
welcomia/and choices every day. But how can this be accomplished?
It is not easy, nor is there a magic bullet. To create a safe
driving culture, organizations must be prepared to support
long-term initiatives. Additionally, organizational goals and
policies must reflect the importance of safe driving and senior
executives must lead the way by example.
Laying the groundwork
The successful creation of an enduring safe driving culture
requires specific actions from three key groups: senior
administrators, supervisors and drivers.
Senior administrators must:
•• Develop a long-term plan which serves as the context
for all driver safety improvement plans.
•• Identify at least one systematic, research-based process
that will be used to plan and implement driver safety
improvement programs.
•• Establish company expectations, policies and
procedures that support continuous driver
safety improvement.
•• Establish a framework for curriculum development and
training within the company.
•• Model the desired behaviours.
•• Establish communication between stakeholders to
keep them informed about the outcomes of the driver
improvement program.
•• Provide and manage resources to support driver safety
•• Monitor and evaluate the company’s
improvement programs.
•• Serve as facilitators and support for location-based
driver improvement coaching.
Supervisors must:
•• Facilitate a culture of safe driving and continuous
driver improvement.
•• Set expectations and create a climate to sustain
these expectations.
•• Demonstrate attitudes and actions that nurture a safe
driving culture.
•• Provide ongoing assistance and opportunities for
driver growth.
•• Foster professional discussion about safe driving
Drivers must:
•• Have an attitude that supports safe driving.
•• Be competent to perform their job duties.
•• Have strategies to assist them to consistently drive
safely regardless of conditions, situations and
personal factors.
This sounds great in theory, but how can you make this a
reality? Through the Road Safety Challenge.
The Road Safety Challenge is a program that is designed
to engage drivers in energy building activities and training
sessions that assist and support their buying for the safe driving
Through a four-phase process, a culture of safe driving is
initiated and supported. Over time, this culture becomes an
enduring part of the organization.
Phase I: Getting the Big Picture
Safe Driving Vision
For your safe driving initiative to be successful, clear goals
must be established and a core vision for the future must be